Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The rude, the annoying, and the downright whorish


Whyyy *pissed*

Ok, I'll start with the rude. If you see someone on the internet that is overweight, if you post LOLZ MAN THE HARPOONZ I hope someone slaps you in the face. I swear, if I was this mad the last time I saw that I would say "No thanks, I'd rather man the toilet paper to wipe up the assholes"

People are so dang ignorant... 3/4 of the people I know that are overweight do not sit on their asses and eat twinkies all day. What REALLY pisses me off is that when people try to work out, you can hear people laughing at them behind their backs. Are these people seriously so damn rude and inconsiderate that they're going to mock people for TRYING to lose weight?

And for those that thing they're perfect, guess what. When you hit your 40s or have kids, you're going to gain weight. The people you used to make fun of are going to laugh their asses off at you when you're bald and have a beer belly. And I will not feel sorry for any of you.

Oh, and don't feed me bs about celebrity moms losing all their baby weight instantaneously. To do that they have to shove their kids off into the arms of a nanny as soon as they're born. I'm sorry, but that is NOT parenting. They should be ashamed of themselves for caring more about their figures than their newborn child. Oh, and they like to use crazy unhealthy diets on top of it all. "Well, honey I'm dying because I went on some insane diet after you were born that turned out to be slowly poisoning me so no moar mom for you. Kthnx bye."

On to the annoying: trolls. You are not funny. You are not cute. Stfu or get the hell out. Living off of the shock of others is freaking sad. A good rule of thumb is if you wouldn't say it to your Grandmother, don't say it to total strangers over the internet. If you honestly enjoy it that much, congratualations: you are a miserable excuse for a human being. Get off the internet and go outside *sings a few bars of "There is Life Outside Your Apartment"*

Shock value is stupid. It might work a few times on most people, but after a while all anyone wants to do is put in ear plugs and ignore you. I'm also looking at you PETA.

Last but not least: the downright whorish.


Unless you want to get kidnapped and raped that is. If thats what floats your boat fine, just stay far away from me.

Well, now that thats out of my system...

I have to get back to my non internet life. Byeonara - gaaah, I'm turning into a dang harvest sprite. Google it if you're clueless :) Harvest Moon is fun <3

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